Of Pretense and Persuasions

Sunday, July 16, 2006

I am a Simple Farmer

Again, my plans to study the weekend away have been thwarted. Two hours after I started off on a simple trip to my neighbor's apt to acquire packing tape [for my impending migration], I found myself in the middle of a blueberry patch at Lyman Orchards, collecting berries in a small basket and surreptitiously stuffing some in my mouth. Ummm ummm goodness. We also found a raspberry patch and acquired some more mmm mmm goodness there. I'm doubtful that these are organic, but I reason the antioxidants in the berries should balance out the carcinogens/pesticides that they are consumed with. Eh. Whatever.

Following the berry incident, I found myself being whisked away to Miller's Pond for some pseudo-swimming. Actually, more like, pseudo-wading, as I am averse to the whole concept of swimming. I believe our prehistoric ancestors emerged from the primordial sea for a reason and I would like things to stay that way for me. Nonetheless, I didn't mind watching my friends swim while I roasted myself on a lakeside rock.

So that was enough tomfoolery for the weekend. I have to turn in a never-ending write-up on a patient with depression [treated with ECT] that I admitted on Friday. I'm working on that right now ... intermittently watching Main Hoon Na, a movie that just cracks me up. I lent it to my friend George, the med school librarian, whom I've [for better or for worse] converted into a Bollywood addict and he only just returned it to me. You know, sometimes I just really enjoy engaging in entirely brainless activities and nothing gets anymore brainless and hilarious than Bollywood. The fact that it is so stupid is what makes it so good.

Anyway, I'm on call tommorow night in the Emergency Room.... which means, no 8:00 pm bedtime for me tommorow.


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