Of Pretense and Persuasions

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

I'm sitting here in the dark, waiting excitedly for the sun to rise. Accoring to theweatherchannel.com, that's about half an hour away. The sun rising is equivalent to a gun going off at the starting line for me: its signals the start of my morning run. I have completed my morning rituals: got up at 4, downed a small cup of soy yogurt [mmmm protein!] with a cup of tea, packed my lunch, and listened to the Fanaa soundtrack. As I wait for the sun, I have been contemplating the possibility of a marathon or half-marathon in the near future. As much as I still dream of a marathon, I am fearful that the damage done to my body would be too great a cost. Besides which, the training required could never survive my surgery rotation [9 weeks away! eeeep!]. On the other hand, a half-marathon is very possible. The training is not too far from what I already do, and I'm aided by the confidence that I've already run that distance without much trouble [on my birthday, some years ago]. The only issue would be getting my a$$ to the gym to cross-train, something I do not like. I am a creature of habit: I like to run every day and nothing else. Oh, the Sun's up! Yummy!


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