Of Pretense and Persuasions

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

To Do List:

1. Set up a health spa which provides preventive health education, teaches yoga and mindfulness/meditation, provides Chinese massage therapy, has workshops on stress reduction/healthy coping strategies and has a gym. The target population would be low-income mothers [so, ideally, childcare would also be a part of the center]. Or, I guess, in order for the idea to be financially feasible, there could be a means-based paying scale ... with scholarships or extra incentives provided to increase participation of low-income mothers. There are a few crunchy spas out there, but they are only for rich people and are usually set up in the middle of some southwestern desert or another. Honestly, how many poor, hardworking mothers have the time or money to go and eat granola in the Arizona desert? Pfff.

2. Be the songwriter, storyteller, poet, artist, filmmaker that I want to be. Write things that fundamentally change the way people think. Tell the stories which rarely get told. My role models in this world are Arundhati Roy and Deepa Mehta, two women of incredible strength, beauty, and resilience.

3. Work out a partnership between Doctors Without Borders and Engineers Without Borders. I hear there is also a group called "Clowns without Borders" -- I am a little skeptical about that one.

4. Understand how society allocates political power and why that process gives some people the power to create social change and pushes others into social isolation. I would like to understand the dynamics that underlie the feminization of poverty. Understand the medicine of marginalization.

5. Learn magic.

6. Hike the Picos de Europa in Northern Spain.

7. Run the Delhi Marathon.

8. Arrainge an exhibition of my artwork in the Med School library. My current project involves a series of paintings of women of colour.

9. Learn Medical Spanish.

10. Set up a chocolatery that sells Fair Trade African Chocolate exclusively. I highly recommend this chocolate. [Social entrepreneurship]

11. Do a "Make Poverty History" campaign at Yale. Design & sell radical and cool t-shirts and fair trade items [like, chocolate!] -- donate proceeds.

12. Design worksheets for health behavior change [using motivational interviewing strategies] for patients.

13. Learn how to play my guitar properly.

14. Learn squash. Eh... scratch that. It seems to elitist and too Ivy of a game.

15. Be a yogini.


At 4:41 AM, Blogger Lori said...

Traveling mental health van.
Macchu Pichu
Espanol medical
The novel...must have time...
On-site child care for the employed poor.
Advocate for the de-stigmatization of mental illness.

Squash is awfully elitist. Likewise golf, which is why I refuse to learn, despite my in-laws persuasions.

It may not always feel like it, but you are learning magic of a sort. People are letting you see glimpses of their lives. Or do you mean card tricks and such? Also quite valuable in the world, I must say.

Clowns without borders? Yay. Not sure the date, but in September, remember to celebrate National Talk Like a Pirate Day. Yes. It exists. To my great delight. Arrr, matey.

Ugh, with the running again...




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